Weight loss for women can be much harder than it is for men. Most women are a lot more conscious about their body and as a result get intimidated by gyms and other exercise venues. However, you don’t need to go to the gym to lose weight. By following these top tips for weight loss for women, you can lose weight more comfortably.
Eat slowly, chew more

On average, it takes 20 minutes for the stomach to tell the brain it is full. Eating slowly gives the stomach time to catch up with your eating and as a result you eat just the right amount of food to fill you up but not bloat you. An easy way to eat slowly is to chew your food 30 times before swallowing. Read more…
Soup your food

Soup is a highly efficient way to consume food. The water content of the soup means less calorific food content. Soup is an easy way to reduce the amount you actually eat. You can turn any meal into soup by liquidizing everything together in a blender. Read more…
Snack smart

It is a lot easier to snack on the right food rather than stop snacking altogether. Therefore, when you feel the urge to snack, pick up a fruit or a vegetable, or some nuts (half a hand full), instead of a biscuits, cakes or chips. Read more…
Chew gum

Chewing gum tricks the brain into thinking you are eating (due to the mouth movements and saliva creation). Chew on gum between meals so you don’t feel the urge to snack so often. Read more…

We take the car (or public transport) for granted these days, using it to cover even short distances. Walking is a great way to exercise without huffing and puffing and collapsing. Make it a habit to walk anywhere that is closer than a mile or two away. Read more…
Don’t stand, climb

Avoid using elevators and escalators, use the stairs instead. If you are going to the 20th floor, get off at the 15th floor and walk up the rest. When coming down, walk down all the way, even if it is from the 20th floor. If you have no choice but to use an escalator, keep walking up the escalator as it is moving, don’t just stand still. Read more…
Do it with friends

It is always easier to do exercise with someone else. Exercising with friends or a partner makes the activity more enjoyable as well. Read more…
Set targets

Set yourself realistic targets for your exercise activity. If you are walking set a minimum time or distance to walk every day/week, if you are using the stairs, set a target to a minimum number of flights of stairs to climb every day. Be realistic when setting these targets. Start off with a low and achievable target and increase on it every week, that way you won’t lose interest or motivation. Read more…
Exercise in your spare time

Finding time to exercise is a big problem for many people. You don’t need to make special time to exercise. When watching TV, instead of sitting still keep lifting your arms and legs up and down, or if you have more energy, instead of sitting down get a small stool and step up and down for as long as you can at a light steady pace. Read more…
Weight Loss for Women
Image is an issue that definitely affects women more than men. It is very important that you think positively about your image and what you are doing to change your overall image. If you feel down about your weight or image at any stage just think about what you are trying to achieve and how it will change your life. As with anything positive, weight loss takes time so don’t get depressed about the length of time it is taking and definitely don’t worry about how others may perceive you whilst you are exercising.