Household Cleaners You Can Eat

Almost everyone knows of cleaning hacks using of vinegar and baking soda. They can help you clean in almost every room of your house. But, these aren’t the only ingredients from the pantry you can use for cleaning.
Banana skin to revive, shine and polish leather shoes

Banana skin is apparently great for polishing leather shoes! Just peel a ripe banana, wipe the inside of the soft peel on your shoes, then buff with a cloth, and you’re done. The banana skin contains oil and potassium (a key ingredient in shoe polish) which protects your shoes against wear/weathering. Read more…
Ketchup to clean brass and copper

If you’re not a fan of those relatively expensive, stinky, finger-burny cleaners, use ketchup to clean you brass and copper. Apply the ketchup with either a brush or a soft cloth, leave for a few minutes and then rinse off with water. Read more…
Mayonnaise to remove stickers

Next time you get given a pack of Mayonnaise with your takeout, save it. You can use it to remove any sticky residue from price tags, bumber stickers (or even Hello Kitty stickers on your walls and mirror). Peel off the sticker and then apply mayo over the remaining sticky residue. Let it sit for a few minutes and then wipe off with a cloth. You may need to apply a second time, depending on what type of glue used in the sticky residue. Be careful not to use it on a fabric surface where it could leave a stain. Read more…
Clean furniture with coconut oil

Coconut oil is an all natural furniture polish, no chemicals, smells great, and really brings out the shine in your furniture. Combine 1⁄4 cup melted coconut oil, 4 tablespoons distilled white vinegar and 2 teaspoons lemon juice in a reusable spray bottle and shake well. Then use it as wood furniture cleaning spray. Just spray on your furniture and wipe away with a clean cloth. Read more…
Lime keeps ants away

If you have ants coming in from outside and you don’t want to spray chemicals all over your house (because you have dogs, cats, and kids running around) spray lemon juice around the places you think ants are using for entryways. Squeeze and spritz your windows, doorways, and skirting, but be careful not to put it on fabric. Read more…
Ants hate citrus because lemon juice seems to destroy scent trails that ants follow. Read more…
Tea bags for stuck on dirty dishes

Soak oily dishes in the sink overnight with a few used tea bags. The next morning they will be much easier to clean. The tennons in the tea break up baked on grease. Read more…
Vanilla extract to de-odorize

We all have to deal with a bad odor in our home at some stage or another. Did you ever think of using Vanilla extract to eliminate that smell? Artificial vanilla will remove almost any smell in the home (although, we haven’t tested it on skunky dogs ;)) Read more…
Clean your toilet with Cola

Errrr, what? Turns out its mild acidity makes it useful for cleaning purposes as well! This makes it a great non-toxic cleaning solution to descale toilets. Best part about it is that cheap cola (store own brand) works just as well. Read more…