Amazing hacks to eliminate odors around the home

There are so many smells that are present in the house. We don’t notice them because we become used to them, as we breath them in everyday. The first time we usually notice is when a guest arrives and pulls a funny face as they walk into your humble abode.
Try these simply genius hacks to eliminate odors so your home can smell fresh and clean. Because we all know there’s nothing worse than walking into a smelly house!
Deodorize the Bathroom

Use Pine Sol Lemon in the bottom of a toilet brush holder Read more…
There is no denying that the smell of Pine Sol Lemon reminds us all that something is clean and there is no better place to have that wonderful deodorizing scent than in a bathroom, right? Plus, the extra power of Pine Sol in the toilet brush holder makes it super easy to do a quick and effective toilet cleaning. Read more…
Deodorize Shoes with Tea Bags

If you keep all your shoes in your closet, you may occasionally notice a slight shoe odor. It may not be the extremely dirty sneaker odor, just a slight tinge of “Hmm, I smell shoe”. Freshen up your closet with tea bags, it works! Read more…
DIY Air Freshener Plug In Refill

You won’t believe how simple it is to make your own chemical free Air Freshener Plug In Refill! This method can be used in any oil plug-in. Read more…
Freshen Bathroom Air With Toilet Paper Roll

To keep your bathroom smelling great, make a quick and easy bathroom air freshener by putting a couple drops of essential oil inside the tube of a new roll of toilet paper. Each time the roll spins, it sends out a little wave of freshness, with it’s lovely fragrance filling your bathroom instead of, you know, other smells! Read more…
Chemical Free Air Freshener

Store-bought air fresheners are cheap for a reason, they are full of cheap chemicals. Oftentimes, they also fail to deliver on the scents they promise on the label. Read more…
Make your own chemical free, non toxic air freshner for a fraction of the cost. Read more…
DIY Odor Remover for Any Space

How to remove odors in virtually any space. This DIY Odor Remover is a quick, easy and inexpensive fix. Read more…
Deodorize Your Refrigerator

We’ve always heard that you can remove odors from your refrigerator with baking soda, but did you know you can with lemon as well? Just place half a lemon in your fridge weekly. Read more…
With the half lemon, you can remove fridge odors with ease. You have several options: place the half lemon on the middle shelf, or dampen a cotton ball or sponge with lemon juice and leave it in the fridge for several hours. Don’t forget to remove the stuff that causes the bad smell. Read more…
Freshen a Stinky Pair of Shoes

Did you hear the one about putting smelly shoes in the freezer to freshen them? Well, we don’t all have a spare freezer in the house for that purpose! Instead, the problem can be easily remedied with a single dryer sheet. Just put half of a standard sheet in each shoe overnight, and your shoes will be smelling fresh by morning. Read more…
Freshen your towels and get rid of that mildew stink

If your towels smell mildewy, moldy, or like they sat wet for ever and ever because you left them in the washer too long wash your load of towels on the hot cycle and add 1 cup of vinegar to the load. Do not use detergent or anything (especially bleach!). Just hot water and the vinegar, and let the washer do it’s job. Read more…
Homemade Poo Spray

A brilliantly simple DIY #2 Poo Spray you absolutely need in your guest bathroom. Read more…
It not only saves embarrassment for your guests if the need presents itself, but it also prevents embarrassing smelly smells wafting through your home that you’d be forced to ignore. Read more…
Simply spray 3 or 4 times into the toilet bowl, before you go and it’ll magically keeps the odor from escaping the bowl. Read more…